The Afterlife
Created Friday 05 October 2018
The afterlife is very real to the denizens of Apraxia. When someone dies their soul is transported to a demiplane on the Astral Plane which for all intents and purposes can be decribed as a sort of limbo.
A soul remains in this limbo for a short time, generally only a few days, after which an emissary from the deceased's Deity comes to bring them to their afterlife. If the deceased worships no Deity it's possible to convert to a faith at this point and go with a representitive of their choice or choose to remain in limbo.
These emissaries are unable to lie and are more guides than anything else. Souls cannot be taken from Limbo against their will by these emissaries.
The specific end point in the afterlife depends on the Deity and there are a number of different "Heaven" and "Hell"s. What happens to the soul after it departs to the Outer Planes is up to the Deity.
When an attempt is made to bring someone back from the dead via mortal magic a connection is made to the Soul in question. The information the Soul has access to is the disposition of the one casting the spell (Their Alignment) as well as a short sentence or two message that the caster may relay upon the spell cast. Souls may choose whether to return or not but cannot communicate back in any way to the one attempting to bring them back to life through merely a resurrection spell, to communicate freely like this some form of spell like Speak with the Dead must be used beforehand. Deities and some powerful beings can forcibly return souls to the Material Plane without their consent.
Apraxia:The Planes